I started my professional career supporting development of children and young people in schools. In 2010 I obtained the diploma in counselling from Gestalt Center in London. For several years I supported therapeutically women and men working for various organizations and in a private practice in London. In 2014 I moved back to Kraków and moved away from therapy. I realised that in order to suppoprt others well I have some further exploration of myself and the world to be done. I completed numerous workshops and trainings, travelled, meditated and took a number of other activities that allowed me to return to therapy in a fresh and deeply involved way.
Szkoła Trenerów i Liderów Rozwoju Osobistego w Dojrzewalni Róż , Poland Group Trainer Certificate
Gestalt Centre, London Diploma in Counselling
Jagiellonian University MA in Care and Education
-experience difficulties related to emigration and cultural adaptation
-struggle with depression
-experience difficulties in relationships with other people (partner, family, children)
-found themselves in a difficult or crisis situation
-lost loved one or someone close
-experience problems at work – chronic stress, burn-out
-were raised in a family with an alcohol problem
-lost the meaning of life
-experience low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence
-want to get to know and understand themselves better, learn to recognize and express their needs